Consume responsibly with our little bobos

The litt' boo-boos by Kinousses

Make your purchases responsible

Because every year millions of clothes end up in the trash because of a small defect or a missing item. At Kinousses, we have decided to reverse the trend and say STOP to waste.

birth pyjamas Jungle

What are the litt' boo-boos?

These are not unsold products for which destruction is now illegal, but products with a small defect, and which, as a result, cannot be put on sale as new. More often aesthetic than functional, these small boo-boos are just as usable.

Recently, you may have seen on our website Kinousses a category appearing under the name "P'tits Bobos". We decided to present our responsible and eco-friendly approach so that you can understand our intentions. Customers just like you, we have carried out an internal study to find out the purchasing intentions of everyone concerning ecology and the preservation of the planet. The answer is clear, everyone was committed and enthusiast by this idea. That's how the p'tits bobos were born.

« "Be an actor of a responsible and circular baby fashion!" »

Responsible consumption all to win!

The principle is simple, it's a give and take! Les p'tits bobos, a zero waste, anti-waste approach thanks to your purchase! You buy a product with a little boo-boo and we offer you a nice discount for this gesture!

Usually, these products are thrown away or resold to a wholesaler. A waste, which we no longer accept. For the most part, these defects do not affect the use of the product, and sometimes they will disappear after a first wash. This is a great way for you to help your little one grow up in a sustainable environment. As a responsible customer, you will be instilling good values in your child from an early age. P’tits bobos will grow up to be a great environmentalist! Textile waste is thus limited, be an actor of a responsible and circular baby fashion!

zero waste

This one represents a laurel leaf (symbol of victory) covered with a small bandage (symbol of the environment that is being treated). Its natural green colour attracts attention and reminds us of the colours linked to ecology and nature. You can find this ribbon on all the products in this category.

When a child gets hurt and has a little boo-boo, it is usually quickly healed. These are products with small defects, and their use is not questioned.

Most of the defects on our products are stains that usually disappear with washing. You will also find products sold in sets (birth kits, etc.) that are missing one or more pieces. Or even products with holes that will be a child's play to repair for all the apprentice seamstresses. If we consider that the product is unusable, it will not be offered for sale.

The small problems are directly indicated on the article sheet to be totally transparent with you.

Discover our little boo-boos

Start your eco-responsible approach by discovering our selection of little boo-boos for your baby.